Mission & Strategy
The RVC is committed to the three pillars of its mission:
- To education
- To the discovery and translation of new knowledge
- To the delivery of the very best clinical care and opinion
Above all, we seek to push back the frontiers of what is possible in veterinary medicine and its associated sciences.
Strategic Plan 2022-2026
Our Strategic Plan, published in early 2022, outlines our path for the next four years.
This plan identifies activities to which we will commit, the objectives on which we will focus and the broad metrics by which we expect to be judged.
Blended Learning Strategy
This strategy lays the foundations to support our strategy for Teaching, Learning and Assessment and the next version of College Strategic Plan in order for the College to continue to provide innovative teaching and learning for its community of students wherever they are studying. This strategy recognises that blended learning interconnects with many areas of the College and that no strategy can be implemented without an understanding of how these areas will be affected. Its implementation is aligned to the Professional Services Division (PSD) operational plan, our Access and Participation plan (APP), to strategies for the development of our Infrastructure (Digital and Physical), and to our IT strategy. All strategies at the College are underpinned by a commitment to sustainable wellbeing as a guiding principle.
Estates Strategy
Our Estates Strategy is a core part of the RVC’s Strategic Plan. The Infrastructure Services Directorate (ISD) integrates people, place and process within our built environment to improve the campus experience of our students and staff and the productivity of our RVC businesses.
Environmental Sustainability Strategy
Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy
Our Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy is a core part of the RVC’s Strategic Plan. Our core mission is to create a diverse, inclusive, caring and compassionate university, where every individual - regardless of their background, identity or experience, feels valued, respected and empowered. We are committed to fostering a culture of equity, dismantling barriers to access and success, and to promoting diverse perspectives that enrich all our activities.
Research and Innovation Strategy
Student Voice Strategy
To maintain a high-quality student experience, it is essential that all students have opportunities to reflect on and evaluate their experiences of study and the wider service offering. To facilitate this, we use a variety of mechanisms with a view to learning from and responding to their feedback individually, collectively and through their representatives.