15 Alabama Rot-like Syndrome in UK dogs

Over the last 18 months or so a number of dogs in the United Kingdom have been affected by a disorder which causes skin lesions initially followed within a few days by signs of acute kidney injury. Histopathology in these cases has shown cutaneous and renal glomerular vasculopathy consistent with changes seen in a condition known as Alabama Rot, described in North America but not previously reported in the UK. In this podcast we discuss the experience with this disorder in the UK thus far and illustrate what is – or more accurately – what is not known about this disorder. The podcast features Dr Rosanne Jepson who is a Lecturer in Internal Medicine at the RVC and also a member of the Renal Replacement Therapy team at the QMHA. Rosanne has a special interest in nephrology in particular.
A couple of links mentioned in the podcast include:
Forestry Commission (England) website which has a list of the reported cases including their geographical distribution
The Animal Health Trust questionnaire has now closed.
Another source of further information about the disease is Anderson Moores.
If you have any comments about this podcast, please get in touch (email sjasani@rvc.ac.uk; tweet @RoyalVetCollege using #saclinpod; or use the RVC's Facebook page).
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