Search - Small Animal Vet
1 - 10 of 18 results
BVA Eye Tests
BVA eye test/ECVO eye test clinic at the Queen Mother Hospital at the RVC -
Feline Cataracts
Feline cataract surgery and cataract cat surgery and treatments -
Veterinary Ophthalmology
The Royal Veterinary College Ophthalmology Referral Service treats dog, cat and other small animal eye conditions. The team also offers ophthalmology service to the Equine Referral Hospital of the RVC. -
Canine Cataracts
Canine cataract surgery and dog cataract treatments -
Clinical Services
With a team of over 200 dedicated and professional staff, the RVC offers the largest and most comprehensive small animal referral service in Europe -
Brachycephaly Expertise
The Royal Veterinary College has the only specialist clinic in UK for brachycephalic dog breeds, also known as short-muzzled or short-nosed dogs. -
Fact File
Canine cataracts
Cataracts are one of the most common causes of vision loss in dogs and frequently lead to blindness
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Psittacosis is a zoonotic disease, which means that it can be transmitted from birds to people.
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Cataract surgery
The cataract surgery success rate in dogs and cats and cats is considered high
Fact File
Corneal ulcers
There are several reasons why corneal ulcers appear. Most ulcers in dogs and cats are the result of trauma