Department: Clinical Science and Services

Campus: Hawkshead

Clinical Groups: Equine Surgery, Equine Medicine

Harking originally from Aotearoa (New Zealand), Nicole received her BVSc from Massey University, Palmerston North and a Masters in Veterinary Science from Melbourne University; completing a thesis in bone response to exercise in TB racehorses and research in exercise physiology in elite 3-Day-Event athletes. This research led to a role working with the gold medal winning Australian Olympic Equestrian Team and presenting lectures at various international conferences.

Concentrating on racing and sports horse medicine and stud work, Nicole practiced in Australia and New Zealand before immigrating to the UK to work with the lovely clients in leafy Surrey.

In 2012, Nicole travelled, along with several local and international charities, to Cairo during the Arab Spring to provide veterinary expertise for the clinics caring for the horses, donkeys and camels, which work around the pyramids in Giza.

That rewarding experience was repeated in 2016 in Mumbai, India; where working with several local charities and the UK based “Farrier Care International” she ran clinics and workshops teaching local vets, horse owners and Indian veterinary students about lameness, foot and dental care. Continuing charitable work in developing regions is a passion which she will continue while at the RVC.

Outside of work snowboarding, show jumping and surfing are pursuits Nicole loves but doesn’t have enough time to improve at.

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