Published: 01 May 2014 | Last Updated: 05 Feb 2020 17:14:50

The exotics service at the RVC is led by Joanna Hedley, an RCVS and European specialist in exotic animals.

  lizard held by nurse   guinea pig held by vet

Joanna has worked extensively with a variety of exotic pets, wildlife and zoo species. She is joined by Nadene Stapleton who has over 14 years of experience working with exotic pets and is currently studying for further qualifications in exotic pet medicine.

For complex cases, we collaborate with specialists in other disciplines at the Queen Mother Hospital for Animals, where MRI, CT and other advanced diagnostic facilities are available for our patients.

Service information

Based at the Beaumont Sainsbury Animal Hospital in Camden, we provide services for a large variety of animals including small mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians and ornamental fish.

two birds on someone's hand

Many exotic pets are prey species so we offer dedicated hospitalisation facilities away from cats and dogs where our patients can recover undisturbed. All our team of nurses and vets have specific expertise with anaesthesia and care of the critical exotic patient.

In addition to a comprehensive diagnostic evaluation tailored to each individual patient, services we offer include:

  • Small mammal dentistry including surgical treatment of dental abscesses
  • Diagnostic endoscopy and laparoscopic procedures for mammals, birds and reptiles
  • Collection health advice

Pet Owners wanting to book in for routine visits, please phone 020 73878134.
Veterinary surgeons seeking to refer or discuss a case can contact the Exotics Service via our dedicated referrals line on 020 75543528 or email

Nadine Stapleton with a tortoise

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