Published: 10 May 2016 | Last Updated: 10 May 2016 11:22:39

Following a review of England’s specialist institutions by the Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), the RVC is delighted to have received confirmation that its institution-specific funding allocation is to continue and at an enhanced level.

Institution-specific funding is additional and discretionary funding provided by HEFCE to a subset of higher education institutions. It is intended to recognise the higher cost and distinctive nature of small and specialist higher education providers, and the public value that these institutions bring to the sector. Institutions deemed eligible were required to submit evidence of their world-leading teaching and the world-leading impact of their graduates within their specific specialist areas. 

Submissions were considered by a review panel of independent members, drawn from those with experience of leading specialist institutions outside England and those with an international overview of the fields in which the institutions operate. In respect of the RVC’s submission, the review panel commented as follows: “credible evidence of the Institution’s enduring and innovative leadership role in learning and teaching was provided. The involvement of senior leaders at the institution in determining global standards of excellence was one dimension of this role. In addition, the quality of the learning environment (with facilities equivalent to the busiest and best international institutions) was an important pillar of the evidence provided”.

Professor Stuart Reid, Principal of RVC, said: “Being recognised as leaders and innovators in veterinary education is critically important for a specialist institution like the RVC. We are delighted that the case we made to HEFCE has met with their approval and we are enormously grateful for HEFCE’s support. Having our reputation and standing endorsed by international peer review is an important benchmark for us and complements our position in the world rankings.”

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