How to Use this Learning Material

This module consists of two parts:

A printed workbook which contains the main narrative of the course, including diagrams.

A multimedia website which contains interactive activities including case studies, animations and questions. Users can also access the full workbook on-screen.

These elements are designed to be used together. The workbook and the online interactions are equally important. We created this mixed media approach because most people find it easier to work with text in printed form rather than on-screen (and reading speed is increased by 30 per cent).

A clear path is marked through the material which switches between the workbook and the website to cover all the material needed to complete this module. However, people learn in different ways, so please feel free to explore the course at your own pace and in your own way. You may, for example, wish to read the workbook away from the computer and then work through the interactive exercises.

Glossary Definitions

Words or phrases which appear in green underlined text are defined in the glossary. In the interactive version, simply click on a glossary term to see the definition. If you discover one of these terms in the resource section you can either use the glossary at the back of the workbook or look it up in the on-line glossary facility.

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